🔥 Welcome Home 🔥

Hello friend, and welcome to Gaël's website. Here you will find the overview of my latest projects: podcast, website, crypto, NFTs and maybe more. Add => NavBar, Header + Footer, About

(1) Week 1: Publish this portfolio website [27 sept. 2021 - 3 oct. 2021]

Thanks fireship.io for the inspiration, I will add links to my podcast, crypto and stripe payment, and add a 3D webpage, also my youtube NFT video.

(2) Week 2: Add to this website:

Reddit Frequency (reddit + part-time larry), twitter frequency (part time larry)

(3) Week 3 [w blob]

Add NLP (hugging face + reddit guy)

(4) Week 4

NFT Project from scratch

(5) Week 5 class RED WAVE - OPACITY

Instagram for NFTs /chat for opensea